Publications from the NordChild study

Children’s health and wellbeing in the Nordic countries.

Publications from the NordChild project at the Nordic Shool of Public Health, Gothenburg, Sweden

Projekt I 1984

  1. Köhler L. Synskadade barn – förekomst, orsak och förebyggande. Synvårdsutredningen, del II. Socialstyrelsen, maj 1981.
  2. Köhler L. Study of Handicapped Children. Research news. Int J Rehab Research 1981;4:560–1.
  3. Köhler L. Det handikappade barnet i den nordiska sjukvårdsorganisationen. Barnsjukhuset i Åbo, oktober 1981.
  4. Köhler L. Chronically ill children. Helsingfors: Folkhälsan, October 1981.
  5. Jorming B. Långvarigt sjuka barn i grundskolan. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 1982;59:196-202.
  6. Lagergren J, Börjesson MC, Köhler L. Social Consequences of Motor Handicaps in Children. In: Manciaux M (ed). Handicaps in Childhood, pp 105-110. Basel: Karger, 1982.
  7. Köhler L. Långvarigt sjuka och handikappade barn i Norden. Oslo: 20:e Nordiska Pediatriska kongressens handlingar, juni 1982.
  8. Köhler L. Nordiska hälsovårdshögskolan och dess studie av handikappade barn i Norden.Frambu: Referat från Nordiskt möte om små och mindre kända grupper av funktionshämmade, december 1982.
  9. Köhler L. Chronically ill and handicapped children and their families. Manila: Proc Int Congress of Pediatrics, November 1983.
  10. Andersson M, Harwe BM, Hellberg M, Syréhn K. Långvarigt sjuka barn – sjukvårdens effekter på barn och familj. SHSTF forsknings­rapport nr 14, 1984.NHV-Rapport 1984:1. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 1984.
  11. Brogren PO. Sjukvårdens organisation i Norden.I: Köhler L, Merrick J (red). Barns hälsa och välfärd, sid 164–78. Lund: Stu­dentlitteratur, 1984.
  12. Köhler L. Förebyggande vård – organisation, innehåll, resultat. I: Köhler L, Merrick J (red). Barns hälsa och välfärd, sid 193–215. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 1984.
  13. Köhler L. Chronically ill and handicapped children in the Nordic countries. A Review Article. Acta Pediatr Scand 1984;73:161–7.
  14. Köhler L. Early detection and screening programmes for children. In: MacFarlane A (ed). Progress in Child Health, pp 230–2. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1984.
  15. Jakobsson G, Köhler L. Barns hälsotillstånd i Norden. Kunskap från rutinstatistik och forskning. NHV-Rapport 1984:3. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 1984.
  16. Eriksson M, Köhler L. Socialt stöd åt barnfamiljer i Norden. NHV-Rapport 1985:2. Stockholm: Allmänna barnhuset, 1985.
  17. Köhler L et al. Health Implications of Family Breakdown. NHV-Report 1986:3.
  18. Köhler L, Jakobsson G. Children’s health and wellbeing in the Nordic countries. NHV-Report 1987:1. Oxford: Clinics in Developmental Medicine, No 98, Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd, 1987.
  19. Holmberg M. De unga barnfamiljernas bostadssituation i Finland. Åbo: Pro gradu-avhandling i socialpolitik, Åbo Akademi, 1987.
  20. Andersin L. De finländska barnfamiljernas subjektiva och objektiva välfärd. Åbo: Pro gradu-avhandling i socialpolitik, Åbo Akademi, 1987.
  21. Westbom L, Kornfält R. Chronic illness among children in a total population: An epidemiological study in a Swedish primary health care district. Scand J Soc Med 1987;15:87–97.
  22. Jakobsson G. Familjen i välfärdsstaten. En undersökning av levnadsförhållanden och deras fördelning bland barnfamiljer i Finland och övriga nordiska länder. NHV-Rapport 1988:2. Åbo: Akademisk avhandling vid ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Åbo Akademi, 1988. Doctoral dissertation
  23. Michalsen H, Follerås S, Bentsen, BS, Heiberg A. Social-Medical Aspects of Cystic Fibrosis in Norway. I. Characterization of the material. Scand J Gastroenterol 1988;23:52–5.
  24. Follerås S, Michalsen H, Bentsen BS. Social-Medical Aspects of Cystic Fibrosis in Norway. II. Economy and Housing Situation. Scand J Gastroenterol 1988;23:56–9.
  25. Michalsen H, Follerås S, Bentsen BS. Social-Medical Aspects of Cystic Fibrosis in Norway. III. The Education and Occupation of Mothers. Scand J Gastroenterol 1988;23:60–4.
  26. Bentsen BS, Michalsen H, Follerås S. Social-Medical Aspects of Cystic Fibrosis in Norway. IV. A Comparison of the Parents’ and the Professionals’ Judgement of the Severity of the Handicap. Scand J Gastroenterol 1988;23:65–7.
  27. Jakobsson G. Barns välbefinnande – en familjefråga eller ett samhällsproblem? Finsk Tidskrift 1988;6.
  28. Lång C. Familjer med handikappade barn. En undersökning om hur ett handikappat barn påverkar familjens välbefinnande. Åbo: Pro gradu-avhandling i socialpolitik, Åbo Akademi, 1988.
  29. Lindström L.Børn og livskvalitet – et forsøg på at opstille en livskvali­tetsmodel for børn. I: Fasting U, Michelsen N, Sommer D, (eds). Opør fra knæhøjde. København: Munksgaard, 1988.
  30. Ferngren H & Lagergren J. Classification of handicaps in 6–7‑year­ old mentally retarded children. Usefulnes and inter-observer agree­ment of a child adapted handicap code of WHO’s ICIDH. Int Disabil Studies 1988;10:155–8.
  31. Michalsen H. Cystic Fibrosis in Norway. Scand J Gastroenterol 1988;23(143):31–3.
  32. Lindström B, Spencer N (eds). Training Course in Social Pediatrics. Part III. Pre-School Period. NHV-Report 1989:3.
  33. Rasmussen F, Lie HR Hagelsteen J, Lagergren J, Börjesson M-C, Lagerkvist B, Köhler L. Medicinska skadans svårighetsgrad hos barn med ryggmärgsbråck och mödrarnasupplevelse av handikappet. Svenska läkarsällskapets handlingar, Hygiea 1989;98:300.
  34. Jakobsson G. Barnfamiljer och välfärd i Norden. I: Köhler L (red). Folkhälsovetenskap. Ett nordiskt perspektiv. NHV­-Rapport 1989:2. Sid. 117–31.
  35. Lindström B. Kan en skilsmässa vara hälsosam för barn?I: Köhler L (red). Folkhälsovetenskap. Ett nordiskt perspektiv. NHV-Rapport 1989:2. Sid. 133-142.
  36. Hagelsteen J, Lagergren J, Lie HR, Rasmussen F, Börjeson M-C, Lagerkvist B, Muttilainen M, Taudorf K, Köhler L. Disability in Children with Myelomeningocele. A Nordic study. Acta Pediatr Scand 1989;78:721–7.
  37. Köhler L. Handicapped children in the Nordic countries. In: Baldew-Visser S (ed). Social integration of young people with chronic diseases.Foundation for Chronic Disease in Children, 1989.
  38. Köhler L. Health surveillance of small children – contents.In: Lindström B, Spencer N (eds).Training Course in Social Pediatrics. Part III. Pre-School Children. NHV-Report 1989:3.
  39. Marschall B. Børn og børnefamiliers anvendelse af sundhedsvæsenet i et Grønlandsk distrikt (Sukkertoppen/Maniitsoq). En samfundsmedicinsk vurdering. MPH-avhandling 1990:7.Nordiska hälsovårdshög­skolan, Göteborg, 1990.
  40. Gudbergsson SB, Thorgrimsson S, Arnorsson V. Barnfamiljer i Island.En rapport om resultat från en undersökning av barnfamiljernas situation som genomfördes av Barnaspitali Hringsins och Nordiska hälsovårdshögskolan i Göteborg 1985, 1990. (På isländska)
  41. Köhler L (red). Barn och barnfamiljer i Norden. En studie av välfärd, hälsa och livskvalitet. Resultatdel. NHV-Rapport 1990:1. Studentlitteratur, Lund, 1990.
  42. Köhler L (red). Barn och barnfamiljer i Norden. En studie av välfärd, hälsa och livskvalitet. Teknisk del.NHV-Rapport 1990:2.
  43. Jakobsson G. Olikheter i hälsa bland barnfamiljer i Norden. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti 1990;27:55–60.
  44. Börjeson M-C, Lagergren J. Life conditions of adolescents with myelomeningocele. Dev Med Child Neurology 1990;32:698–706.
  45. Köhler L. Family Health and Handicapped Children. World Pediat­ics and Child Care 1990;4:143–50.
  46. Jakobsson G, Köhler L. Children’s Health and Well-being. A Nordic Approach. World Pediatrics and Child Care 1990;4:151–9.
  47. Diderichsen J, Ferngren H, Juul Hansen F, Lindman C, Kallio T, Lagergren J, Lou H & Sjögren O. The handicap code of the ICIDH, adapted for children aged 6–7 years. Classification Group of the Nordic Neuropediatric Association. Int Disabil Studies 1990;12:54–60.
  48. Lindström B & Kollberg H. Quality of life in children with CF and MMC compared to normal references in the Nordic countries (poster). Annual Assembly of American Academy of Pediatrics, October 1990.
  49. Lindström B. Att befrämja barns hälsa – utmaningen i barnhälso­vården inför 90-talet. I: Helse for barn i år 2000 – hva har de i vente? NOBAB Konferensrapport 1990.
  50. Skjäl C. Ensamförsörjarnas levnadsförhållanden i Finland. Ett undersökningsmaterial baserat på en kartlägning av barns och barnfamiljers livssituation i Norden. Åbo: Pro gradu-avhandling i socialpolitik, Åbo Akademi, 1990.
  51. Köhler L. Future Directions in Research. Keynote Address. ESSOP European Congress ”Children and Families with special needs: the Right to Hope”, Athens, 12–17 October, 1990.
  52. Westbom L, Kornfält R. Utilization of primary care versus special­ized care in children with and without chronic illness. A population based study. Acta Paediatr Scand 1991;80:534–41.
  53. Lindström B & Köhler L. Youth, disability and quality of life. The Pediatrician 1991;18:121–8.
  54. Lindström B. Att närma sig livskvalitet. I: Aktuell Forskning, Göteborgs univer­sitet, Centrum för kunskap om barn, rapport nr 3, 1991.
  55. Westbom L & Köhler L. Parental perceptions of health care for children with chronic illness. A population-based study in a Swedish primary care district. Scand J Primary Health Care 1991;9:285–291.
  56. Westbom L. Children with chronic illness. Epidemiology, living conditions and use of health services. University of Lund, 1991. Doctoral dissertation.
  57. Lie HR et al. Bowel and Bladder Control of Children with Myelomeningocele: a Nordic study. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 1991;33:1053–61.
  58. Lindström B. Concept of quality of life. In: Quality of life. Lifelong enrichment. Report from 10th IAEDB Conference, Örebro, Sweden, 4 –9 August, 1991.
  59. Köhler L. Barns hälsa och välfärd i Norden. Hälsorådet i Göteborg, Folkhälsorapport 3:3, 1991.
  60. Lindström B. Skilsmässans epidemiologi samt hälsobefrämjande åtgärder för barn i skilsmässa. Hälsorådet i Göteborg, Folkhälsorapport 3:3, 1991.
  61. Jakobsson G & Köhler L. Barns hälsa i Sverige. NHV-Rapport 1991:1. SoS-Rapport 1991:12. Socialstyrelsen, Stockholm, 1991.
  62. Köhler L & Jakobsson G. Children’s health in Sweden. NHV-Report 1991:3. Socialstyrelsen, Stockholm, 1991.
  63. Westbom L. Impact of chronic illness in children on parental living conditions. A population-based study in a Swedish primary care district. Scand J Prim Health Care 1992;10:83–90.
  64. Westbom L. Well-being of children with chronic illness. A popula­tion-based study in a Swedish primary care district. Acta Ped Scand 1992;81:625–9.
  65. Köhler L. Samlad och kontinuerlig bevakning av barns hälsa nu i sikte. Läkartidningen 1992;14:1155–7.
  66. Köhler L. Childhood mortality and morbidity in Sweden and in the other Nordic countries. In: Wallace HM (ed.) Maternal and Child Health Practices. Third Party Publishing Company, Oakland, 1992.
  67. Köhler L. Systems of health care for women, children and youth. In: Wallace HM (ed.) Maternal and Child Health Practices. Third Party Publishing Company, Oakland, 1992.
  68. Lindström B. Children and Divorce in the Light of Salutogenesis -Promoting Child Health in the face of Family Breakdown.Health Promotion Int 1992;7(4):289–96.
  69. Lindström B. Quality of life – a model for evaluating health for all. Soz Präventivmedizin 1992;37:301–6.
  70. Westbom L et al. Bra primärvård kan stödja och hjälpa svårt sjuka/döende barn och deras familjer. Läkartidningen, 1992;89:3062–3.
  71. Lindström B, Eriksson B. Quality of life among children in the Nordic countries. Quality of Life Research 1993;2:23–32.
  72. Lindström B & Eriksson B. Quality of Life for Children with Disabilities. Soz Präventivmedizin 1993;38:83–9.
  73. Köhler L. Children with and without disabilities in the Nordic countries. A Nordic project. Scand J Soc Med 1993;21:146-49.
  74. Köhler L. Barns hälsa och välfärd i Norden. Kapitel 1 i Nordisk lærebog i peadiatri. Munksgaard, København, 1993.
  75. Heiberg A (red) Kronisk syke og funksjonshemmede barn. Mot en bedre fremtid? NHV-Rapport 1993:1. Tano forlag, Oslo, 1993.
  76. Köhler L. Handikappade barn i Norden – bakgrund till ett projekt. I: Heiberg A (red) Kronisk syke og funksjonshemmede barn. Mot en bedre fremtid?NHV-Rapport 1993:1. Tano forlag, Oslo, 1993.
  77. Lie HR. Disability and Coping. A cross-sectional study of Nordic children with myelomeningocele. Dept of Pediatrics, University of Lund, 1993.Doctoral dissertation
  78. Rasmussen F et al. Nordic children with myelomeningocele. Parents’ assessments of the handicap and physicians’ classifications of the disabilities. Acta Paediatr 1993;82:276–80.
  79. Lie HR. et al Nordic children with myelomeningocele. Aspects of social life and psychological adjustment. Develop Med Child Neurology 1993
  80. Lindström B. Di små undi boorde – småbarns livskvalitet i Norden. Centrum för kunskap om barn, Göteborgs universitet. Aktuell Forskning, Rapport nr 4, 1993.
  81. Sævar Berg Gudbergsson. Familier med funktionshemmede barn i Sør-Island. MPH-avhandling 1993:4. Nordiska hälsovårdshögskolan, Göteborg, 1993.
  82. Lindström L. Att mäta barns livskvalitet i ett populations-perspektiv. BLF-Nytt 1993;3:6–7.
  83. Hautamäki A Down-lapsi perhe-elämän kaaressa – vammainen lapsi elämäntavan kipupsiteenä ja valopilkkuna. Helsingfors,Förbundet utvecklingshämning, den riksomfattande forsknings- och försöksenhetens publikationer , no 62, 1993
  84. Köhler L. Health for alla children – a socio-pediatric issue. Acta Pediat Scand 1994;83:suppl.394:3–6.
  85. Köhler L. Family and child – a public health perspective Int J Prenat and Perinat Psychol and Medicine 1994;6:477–85.
  86. Lie HR et al. Children with myelomeningocele. The impact of disability on family dynamics and social conditions. Dev Medicine and Child Neurology, 1994;36:1000–9.
  87.   Lindström B. Quality of life for children with special needs. In: D. Kondyli (Ed). Child Protection and Care. Trends and prospects. 1994 International year of family. Papasissis Publishers, 1994.
  88. Lindström B. The Essence of Existence. On the Quality of Life of Children in the Nordic countries. NHV-Report 1994:3. Doctoral dissertation
  89. Lindström L. Quality of life for children and disabled children based on health as a resource concept. J Epid & Comm Hlth 1994;48:529–30.
  90. Lie H. Fysisk funktionshæmmede børns psykosociale udvikling. Erfaringer fra et nordisk studie af 527 børn med myelmeningocele. Ugeskr for læger 1995;157(22):3175–8.
  91. Lie HR et al. Nordic children with myelomeningocele. The use of and satisfaction with health care and medical services. Scand J Soc Med 1993;23:258-64
  92. Lindström B & Köhler L. Children and families in distress: the case of family breakdown. In: Lindström B & Spencer N (eds.) Social Paediatrics, Oxford University Press, 1995.
  93. Köhler L & Barnard K. Child health as a public health issue. In: Lindström B & Spencer N (eds.) Social Paediatrics, Oxford University Press, 1995.
  94. Lindström B. Measuring and improving quality of life for children. In: Lindström B & Spencer N (eds.) Social Paediatrics, Oxford University Press, 1995.
  95. Hautamäki A. Stress and stressors over the life cycle of parents of children with Downs syndrome in the Nordic countries – A crossectional study with a representative sample of nonhandicapped children. Research Reports, University of Helsinki, Department of Teacher Education, 1995
  96. Köhler, L. Management of Chronic Diseases in Children. International Child Health 1996; 6:21 – 25
  97. Kollberg E (red). Barn med Downs syndrom – ett familjeperspektiv. En nordisk studie av 465 nordiska familjer.Natur & Kultur, Stockholm, 1997.

Projekt II 1996

  1. Halldorsson M, Cavelaars AEJM, Kunst AE, Mackenbach JP. Socioeconomic differences in health and well-being of children and adolecents in Iceland. Scand J Public Hlth1999; 1: 43-47.
  2. Berntsson L, Köhler L. Long term illness and psychosomatic complaints in children aged 2-17 years in the five Nordic countries. Comparison between 1984 and 1996. Eur J Public Health2001;11:35-42.
  3. Berntsson L, Köhler L. Quality of life among children aged 2-17 years in the five Nordic countries. Comparison between 1984 and 1996. European Journal of Public Health2001; 11-437-445.
  4. Berntsson L, Köhler L, Vuille J-C. Health, economy and social capital in Nordic children and their families: a comparison between 1984 and 1996. Child, Care, Health and Development2006;32,4:441-451.
  5. Berntsson L, Köhler, L, Gustafsson J-E. Psychosomatic complaints in school children: a Nordic comparison. Scand J Public Health 2001; 29:44-54.
  6. Köhler L (red) Det kan bli bättre. Rapport från en konferens om barns hälsa och välfärd i Norden. NHV-Rapport 2000:5. Nordiska Hälsovårdshögskolan, Göteborg 2000.
  7. Köhler L. (red). Det är bra men kan bli ännu bättre. En studie av barns hälsa och välfärd i de fem nordiska länderna, 1984 till 1996.NHV-Rapport 2000:6. Nordiska Hälsovårdshögskolan, Göteborg 2000.
  8. Berntsson L, Health and well-being of children in the five Nordic countries, in 1984 and 1996.NHV-Report 2000:8. Nordic School of Public Health, Göteborg 2000. Doctoral dissertation.
  9. Halldorsson M, Kunst AE, Köhler L, Mackenbach JP. Socio-economic inequalities in the health of children and adolescents: A comparative study of the five Nordic countries. Eur J Public Hlth2000;10:281-288.
  10. Halldorsson M, Kunst AE, Köhler L, Mackenbach JP. Socioeconomicdifferences in children´s use of health services in the Nordic countries. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health2002;56, no 3:200-204.
  11. Köhler, L. Barn i faresonen – en betraktning om barns helse i de nordiske velferdsstatene.I Dyregrov, A, Lorentzen, G, Raaheim, K (red) Et liv for barn. Utfordringer, omsorg og hjelpetiltak.Sid 110-119. Fagbokforlaget, Oslo 2001.
  12. Gröholt, E-K, Stigum, H, Nordhagen, R, Köhler, L. Children with chronic health conditions in the Nordic countries in 1996 – influence of socio-economic factors. Amb Child Health2001;7:177-89.
  13. Nielsen, Anne, Pedersen Charlotte R, Madsen M. Børn og børnefamilies sundhed og velfærd i Danmark – og udviklingen siden 1984. Statens Institut for folkesundhed, København 2001.
  14. Köhler, Lennart, Berntsson, Leeni T. Barn och hälsa i Norden En betraktelse över barns hälsa i de nordiska välfärdsstaterna. Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift2002; 79:vol 1:24-29. (Children and their health in the Nordic welfare states).
  15. Svajune. Lietuvos neigaliu vaiku ir ju seimu gyvenimo kokybe (The quality of life of disabled children and their families in Lithuania). Kaunas Medical University, Kaunas, Lithuania, June 2002. Doctoral dissertation.
  16. Petersen, C: Reinhardt, Madsen, Mette. Parents’ labour market participation as a predictor of children’s health and wellbeing: a comparative study in five Nordic countries J Epidemiol Community Health2002;56:861-7.
  17. Berntsson, Leeni. Barns hälsa och välbefinnande i de fem nordiska länderna 1984 och 1996. Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift2002;79:401-414.
  18. Gröholt, Else-Karin, Stigum, Hein, Nordhagen, Rannveig & Köhler, Lennart. Health services utilization in the Nordic countries in 1996. Influence of socio-economic factors among children with and without chronic health conditions. European Journal of Public Health2003;13:30-37.
  19. Gröholt, Else-Karin, Stigum, Hein, Nordhagen, Rannveig & Köhler, Lennart. Is parental sense of coherence associated with child health? European Journal of Public Health2003;13:195-201.
  20. Gröholt, Else-Karin. Health and Well-being of Children in the Nordic countries. Influence of Socio-economic Factors in Welfare States. Doctoral dissertation. Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, 2003.
  21. Nordhagen, Rannveig, Nystad, Wenche, Köhler, Lennart. Sport participation and physical activity among children in the Nordic countries 1984 and 1996. Scand J Sports in Medicine.
  22. Pedersen, Charlotte Reinhardt. Parents’ labour market participation and children’s health and well-being in the five Nordic countries in 1996 and the changes from 1984 to 1996. Doctoral dissertation.National Institute of Public Health, Copenhagen. June 2004.
  23. Pedersen, C. Reinhardt, Holstein, Björn, Köhler, Lennart. Parents’ Labour market participation as predictor of children’s well-being: changes from 1984 to 1996 in the Nordiccountries. European Journal of Public Health 2005;15:431-436.
  24. Pedersen, C: Reinhardt,Madsen Mette, Köhler Lennart. Does financial strain explain the association between children’s morbidity and parental non-employment? J Epidemiology and Community Health 2005;59:316-321.
  25. Ekman-Joelsson Britt-Marie, Berntsson Leeni, Sunnegårdh Jan. Quality of life in schildren with pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular system. Cardiol Young 2004; 14:615-621.
  26. Nordhagen, Rannveig, Nielsen, Anne, Stigum Helle, Köhler, Lennart. Parental reported bullying among Nordic children: a population based study. Child: Care, Health and Development 2005;31:693-701.
  27. J I Virtanen, L T Berntsson, E Lahelma, and L Kohler. Children’s use of general practitioner services in the five Nordic countries. J Epidemiol Community Health 2006;60 162-167.
  28. Berntsson Leeni, Köhler Lennart, Vuille Jean-Claude. Health, economy and social capital in Nordic children and their families: a comparison between 1984 and 1996. Child: Care, Health and Development 2006;32:441-451.
  29. J I Virtanen, L T Berntsson, E Lahelma, L Kohler and H Murtomaa. Children’s use of dental services in four Nordic countries. Community Dental Health 2006;23:171-172.
  30. J I Virtanen, L T Berntsson, E Lahelma, L Kohler and H Murtomaa. Children’s use of dental services in the five Nordic countries. Journal of Epidemiology andCommunity Health 2007;61:1080-1085.
  31. Mellander M, Berntsson L, Nilsson B. Quality of life in children with hyperplastic left heart syndrome. Acta Paediatr 2007;96:53-57.
  32. Anette Andersen, Bjørn E. Holstein, Leeni Berntsson, Ebba Holme Hansen. Parental symptoms and children’s use of medicine for headache: data reported by parents from five Nordic countries Int J Public Health DOI 10.1007/s00038-011-0284-2.
  33. Bjørn E. Holstein, Anette Andersen, Ebba Holme Hansen, Lennart Köhler. Socioeconomic variations in medicine use among children and adolescents: Parent-reported data from the five Nordic countries. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2008;17:S70-S70. DOI:1002/pds.1631.
  34. Bratt Eva-Lena, Östma-Smith Ingegerd, Axelsson Åsa and Berntsson Leeni. Quality of life in asymptomatic children and adolescents before and after diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy through family screening. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2012;14:615-621.

 Projekt III 2011

  1. CorellMaria, Augustine Lilly, Löfstedt Petra (2012). Hälsa och välfärd hos barn och unga med funktionsnedsättning.Statens folkhälsoinstitut, Stockholm. A 2012:02
  2. Berntsson, Leeni T, Ringsberg Karin C. Health and relationship with leisure time activities in Swedish children aged 2-17 years. Scand J Caring Sci 2013
  3. Gunnarsdottir H, Povlsen L, Ringsberg KC. Health lifestyles of preschool children in Nordic countries – parents’ perspectives. Health Promotion International, 2013. DOI: 10.1093/heapro/dat079
  4. Hohwü Lena, Lyshol Heidi, Gissler Mika, Hrafn Jonsson Stefan, Petzold Max, Obel Carsten. Web-Based Versus Traditional Paper Questionnaires: A Mixed- Mode  With a Nordic Perspective. Journal of Internet Research 15(8) e173 2013 August
  5. Gunnarsdottir, Max Petzold& Lene Povlsen. Time pressure among parents in the Nordic countries: A population-based cross-sectional study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2014; 42(2), 137-145.
  6. Bjereld Ylva, Daneback Kristian, Gunnarsdóttir Hrafnhildur, Petzold Max. Mental health problems and social resource factors among bullied children in the Nordic countries. A population based cross-sectional study.Child Psychiatry & Human Development 2014 DOI 10.1007/s10578-014-0468-0
  7. Malin Bergström Malin, Fransson Emma, Hjern Anders, Köhler Lennart, Wallby Thomas. Parental life satisfaction and mental health in children with joint physical custody – A cross-sectional study on Swedish 4-17 year olds. Scand J Psychology 2014 DOI:10.1111/sjop.12148
  8. Berntsson Leeni, Ringsberg Karin. Swedish parents’ activities together with their children and children’s health: a study of children aged 2-17 years.Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 42(Suppl 15):41-51;2014
  9. Bjereld Ylva, Daneback Kristian, Petzold. Max. Differences in prevalence of bullying victimization between native and immigrant children in the Nordic countries: A parent-reported serial cross-sectional study. Child: Health, Care and Developmentdoi:10.1111/cch.12184
  10. Gunnarsdóttir Hrafnhildur Rós. Parental time pressure and financial stress – Challenges for mental health of Nordic children and adolescents. Doctoral dissertation. Institute of Medicine at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, 2014
  11. Gunnarsdottir H, Bjereld Y, Hensing G, Petzold M, Povlsen L. Associations between parents’ subjective time pressures and mental health problems among children in the Nordic countries. A population based study.15doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1634-4
  12. Gunnarsdottir H, Hensing G, Povlsen L, Petzold M. Relative deprivation inthe Nordic countries – Child mental health problems in relation to family financial stress. The European Journal of Public Health Advance Access published October 21, 2015
  13. Lennart Köhler. Closure of Nordic School of Public Health. Child Health and the Nordic School of Public Health NHV. ISSOP e-bulletin Nº13 Jan 2015
  14. Lennart Köhler. NHV and Child Public Health. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2015; 43(Suppl 16): 29–32
  15. Leeni T Berntsson, Karin C Ringsberg, Bo Eriksson, Lennart Köhler. Health, economy and social capital in Nordic children aged13-17years and their families: changes between 1984,1996 and 2011. International Journal of Healthcare 2016, Vol. 2, No. 1, p 51-61.
  16. Bjereld, Ylva. If they only knew. Bullying victimization among children and youth in the Nordic countries. Doctoral dissertation. Department of Public Health and Community Health, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg 2017.
  17. Bergström Malin, Fransson Emma, Hjern Anders, Köhler Lennart. Children with two homes-Psychological problems in relation to living arrangements in Nordic 2-9 year olds. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health April 2018 DOI 10.1177/1403494818769173

 Doctoral dissertations from the NordChild project

  1. Jakobsson G. Familjen i välfärdsstaten. En undersökning av levnadsförhållanden och deras fördelning bland barnfamiljer i Finland och övriga nordiska länder. NHV-Rapport 1988:2. Åbo: Akademisk avhandling vid ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Åbo, 1988. Doctoral dissertation. 
  2. Westbom L. Children with chronic illness. Epidemiology, living conditions and use of health services. University of Lund, 1991. Doctoral dissertation.
  3. Lie HR. Disability and Coping. A cross-sectional study of Nordic children with myelomeningocele. Dept of Pediatrics, University of Lund, 1993. Doctoral dissertation.
  4. Lindström B. The Essence of Existence. On the Quality of Life of Children in the Nordic Countries. NHV-Report 1994:3. Doctoral dissertation.
  5. Berntsson L, Health and well-being of children in the five Nordic countries, in 1984 and 1996.NHV-Report 2000:8. Nordic School of Public Health, Göteborg 2000.Doctoral dissertation.
  6. Svajune. Lietuvos neigaliu vaiku ir ju seimu gyvenimo kokybe (The quality of life of disabled children and their families in Lithuania). Kaunas Medical University, Kaunas, Lithuania, June 2002. Doctoral dissertation.
  7. Gröholt, Else-Karin. Health and Well-being of Children in the Nordic countries. Influence of Socio-economic Factors in Welfare States. Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, 2003. Doctoral dissertation.
  8. Pedersen, Charlotte Reinhardt. Parents’ labour market participation and children’s health and well-being in the five Nordic countries in 1996 and the changes from 1984 to 1996. National Institute of Public Health, Copenhagen. June 2004.Doctoral dissertation.
  9. Gunnarsdottir, Hrafnhildur Rós. Parental pressure and financial stress in the Nordic countries.. A challenge for children’s mental health. Department of Public Health and Community Health, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg 2014. Doctoral dissertation.
  10. Bjereld, Ylva. If they only knew. Bullying victimization among children and youth in the Nordic countries. Department of Public Health and Community Health, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg 2017. Doctoral dissertation.


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