PhD review of Nordic theses

The group commenced as a cooperative project within the Nordic Health Promotion Research Network (NHPRN) in order to investigate theses in health promotion from the Nordic countries during the year 2008 and ahead. The first step was a feasibility study aiming at the availability of theses from the Nordic countries and the possibilities to build a database including doctoral theses written at Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish institutions. The criteria for inclusion are that the theses use the concept of health promotion in their abstract, title, and/or in their keywords. The PhD review Working Group aims in a second step to analyze the content of the abstracts and will later on continue to analyze the full text of the theses, including the theories used.

updated 2024-01-24

Current active members

Charlie Eriksson (Convener) – email

Eliva Ambugo – website

Despoina (Debbie) Andrioti Bygvraa- LinkedIn

Andrea Eriksson – website

Dan Grabrowski – website

Susanne Hagen – website

Bo Haglund – website

Aud Johannessen – email

Pelle Korsbaek Sørensen – email

Heidi Myglegård Andersen – email website

Nina Simonsen – website

Pernille Tanggaard Andersen – website

Steffen Thorp – website

Nicole Thualagent – website

For publications written within the network.

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