Health literacy

Health literacy can be regarded as a health determinant which broadly refers to “the ability to gain access to, understand and use information in ways which promote and maintain good health for themselves, their families and their communities” (WHO, 9th Health promotion conference in Shanghai 2016). Health literacy is a concept in continuous development. The definitions have evolved from a concept focusing on individual health literacy skills or deficits of understanding health information to a multidimensional and complex concept also including structural and environmental conditions.

The Health Literacy Working Group discusses and study the discourse of the health literacy field, concepts, policies and theories from a health promotion perspective.

updated 2024-01-24

Current active members of the Group

Karin C Ringsberg (Convener) – website

Ditte-Marie From – website

Stefanie Harsch-Oria – email LinkedIn

Malin Holmström Rising – website

Sami Kokko – (not active at the moment)

Anne Liveng – website  

Niko Männikö

Merja Männistö – website

Ewy Olander

Leena Paakkari  (not active for the moment)

Nina Simonsen – website

Nicole Thualagant – website

Per Tillgren – website

Thomas Tjelta  – website

For publications written within the network.


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